13 Years Lost in a Second
I Woke one morning and all my business files of 13 years lost in the cloud were not attainable. Gone without a warning or a way to get them back.
What would you do? I personally was at first dumbfounded, every single file I had for 13 years lost in a single moment one morning every client’s file in business was gone without a trace.
I purchased 10 terabytes of storage for a minimal fee from the warrior forum. I still remember my thoughts that day that if I do this and this guy disappears then I will be screwed. But the deal was so good $79. for life with 10 terabytes of storage woot! I transferred all my files, images, and even new images from my phone to storage in the cloud I purchased just to wake up one morning and find I could no longer log in.
I think I handled it well after a good cry and knowing that Is Is, I came to terms with the fact that I had to go in and recreate full backups of all client sites, create another storage in Amazon S3 and get me some Google 1 or whatever the flavor of the month Google is calling it this month.
13 years lost realization
Who cares, were those files what defined me as me? No. Did I care? Yes, could I do anything about it? No. Suck it up buttercup as my basic answer.
That was two or three months ago. I survived, sure some files I wish I had at times but in the long run, it did not matter I still carried on.
When you hear that voice say What if and this can bite you in the butt Listen to YourSelf and save yourself 13 years lost.

I am Blessed
This morning as I am looking out over the budding cotton fields I am listening to the audible version of “Autobiography of a Yogi” as he was explaining that God works in his favor because of his belief and how circumstances do not always work the way it seems but to a higher glory and power that makes things work in our favor,.
I was inspired, (told from within myself) to get out my old computer and see if any files were there I could use.
The blessingÂ
There in the computer bag with my laptop was something I had completely forgotten about, my portable drive that had most if not all of those files stored on it. Another blessing.
The Teachings.
Letting go of what we think we have lost is in reality something we never had and never lost. Everything is only an illusion of what we think it is. When we let go of all attachments to all things then and only then can those things we have no attachment to manifest in our lives.
Isaiah 43:18-19. At all times, we must learn to forget the past and forge ahead. If we fail to let go of the past, it is very difficult to move forward
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