I Love Hillbillies
After I left Potts Creek and Ken I had decided to stay at a field on a man’s ranch Big Mikes’s RV Park which other campers have said was nice and it was free or pay $20. for hookups.
When I got there it was flooded out and it kind of looked a bit shady is all I can say about that. So I had nowhere to stay. I looked for RV Parks near me and one popped up that had a nice picture about 30 minutes away, I called and was told to come. They had a spot open.
When I got here it was beautiful and I had only intended to say for three days.
The first blessing
Once I was parked the owner Margie, came out to check on me with a plate of food, a very good pork stew, and 6 farm fresh eggs. What??? I was the one being fed and it filled my heart.
The next day I set out to make them a website for the generosity they and love I was shown, and I had a peaceful night.
Day 2 they came by and asked if I needed anything from the store and I hitched a ride with Margie’s brother Doug, What a nice guy. He invited me to dinner and shoot some pool and play corn hole.
I showed them the website and was going to ask if I could stay a few days longer and they said I could stay as long as I want to. So staying until the 23rd. I stayed 6 days total in this little piece of heaven.

Two nights later I was invited again to the clubhouse where Margie is putting on a feast. and I met the neighbors,
Kenny came out to say hi from the kitchen and asked me what brought me here? I said God I don’t know why but I go where he leads me. We started talking and I finally found another person that wears the chosen bracelets like I.
When dinner was ready we all went to the kitchen and loaded our plates full of cornbread, wings, beans, pork, and casserole.
When we sat down I asked if they minded we pray, Kenny on my right and his wife across from me instantly put out their hands and she gave the prayer. I tear up thinking how blessed I am to have found people I know I will always be welcome to come back to. in fact, Kenny invited me to stay at his place anytime he is getting a home about an hour from here.
The WTF Moment
During the evening when Steve Margie’s Husband arrived back from Florida, Doug told me a story of their wedding and all the groomsmen lining up to feel 50ish year old Steves Butt because it is rock hard as he is a toe walker.
The WTF came a day later as I was thinking of the story and Deja’vu hit me hard again, I had heard this story from Dangel Don I am pretty sure a year or so before? including the punchline. WTF why? what? how? How is it that I knew that story?