Cannibal J.
Dreams and visions memories? 7/29/22
This morning as I woke, I was in a bit of a rush to leave where I was staying and had things to do like laundry, packing up the van and making sure everything was secure, so my morning studies were going to be short, I opened the bible, my bible ,app and ACIM as I read ACIM This thought came to me it is bizzarro to say the least. Was it a waking dream? A memory? I don’t know but here it is.
I am born to a year unknown to me, on a large island with neighboring islands about US. WE are hunters and gatherers, and we are cannibals. We protect our lands and take slaves from the other islands; we are conquerors as well.
Dancing ritualistic rights of what we Believe the gods want.
This is my life, my surroundings, my existence, of being. I know no other way and am blessed to have a loving tribe that helps and protects me. There is nothing in my culture that says it is wrong since it just us. It is our way.
We have a hierarchy and abide by the laws set down within our society. There is no wrong in what we do because this is us.
We eat, drink, dance, and conquer. Making trinkets from the bones of our conquests.
Will we be judged by God who knows and love’s us all the same? Is it wrong if deep within our Soul and Self where God lives, where He is our divine factor of loving others in our tribe and eating, raping and killing other tribes is our way of life?
Am I wrong to know that there is no sin in this?
There is only consciousness within that leads us all on the path to finding the ultimate existence of vibrational bliss.
‘Knowing is one thing living is another finding our way back to our very first origin of being, when whence we are what we have always been. Now experiencing a different reality in the confides of time and space, making, what we see as real is only what we created, to experience a new path that leads to the beginning of where we started.’
When does this cycle end? I can only imagine (image in) when I come or become the fullest realization of Self as being nothing more than manifested energy created by God to be part of Him and for Him, to wake and see the dream of separation never was and that He has been within me the entire time.
Perhaps I resist the union as there is so many places and people I still want to meet and see. I will be home soon Father; I am wandering for a bit.
Hmmm now I need to read the prodigal son story with new eyes.

Very Strange
This is what my notes showed when I reread them tonight. It seems a bit odd, but I am guessing my main point this morning was that we all create our existence, and we all create our distance from God. God is not distant He is here now within you. Perhaps it was the readings of the Yogi that inspired these thoughts this morning. I do not know.
Perhaps it all comes back to the prodigal son and people thinking they are apart from God. Separated from God. Not thinking or feeling that God would ever take them in. When in reality God never left you. God is the Universal energy within all things.Â
I love you.

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